11 C
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humidity: 83%
wind: 5 m/s W
H13 • L10
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15 C
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For those that are interested in knowing what the Legal Technologist themes will be for 2024 then look no further. They will be: - Jan/Feb 2024: Legal Ops

This article takes a look at some key attributes of the legal ops person. This is based on my own experience either at the coal

In an era where the application of artificial intelligence (AI) is pushing the boundaries of human innovation, the question of whether AI-generated inventions could deserve


It’s with great pleasure that I’m able to

This article takes a look at some key

*Record scratch* *Freeze frame* Yep, that’s me. You’re probably wondering


As individuals, we have the legal right to access personal data held by an organisation, and an increasing number of requests are submitted each year.

Greece The legal tech landscape of 2024 in Greece will be shaped by a few notable firms who invest in digital operations and marketing and a

Belarus The most recent study on the automation of legal activities in Belarus was carried out in 2021. It depicted a clear dissatisfaction among lawyers with

Austria The situation as of mid-2023 is that few true legaltech startups have gained traction (fairplane.at, notarity.com). Legal Tech is fostered by the two major legal