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Sophiya Volkova is a Legal Technologist at Ashurst and holds an LLB with Honours in Spanish from the University of

Approximately 41,000 civil lawsuits are filed each day in the United States. Ninety-seven percent of these cases circulate at the

I am a Senior Consultant in the Legal Technology practice at HBR Consulting. My group helps Fortune 500 companies and

Growing up within the PlayStation™ generation, technology very quickly became a staple in my life. Getting my hands on the

How I became a Legal Tech Engineer Ask yourselves: how many legal tech engineers do you know? Not a large number,

The January 2021 issue can be read here.

I am not one of those people who has wanted to be in law from the day I was born.

To make a revolution, it is generally beneficial to go back to basics. Therefore, to understand what visual laws are
