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Maarten Truyens is part of that rare breed of lawyers who first picked up programming as a child and never

By Marcel Hajd (http://linkedin.com/in/marcelhajd) Introduction Not a day passes without a trending news story related to LegalTech. Ambitious lawyers and entrepreneurs are

Looking at the legal landscape around the world, one could get the impression that the market for legal tech solutions

David is a technology adviser to the British Government. He focuses on emerging technologies and most recently worked on the

Over the next 12 months Jeremy Small, CEO of Jameson Legal, will be carrying out interviews with professionals from around

The November issue can be found here

“Embarking on a road less travelled is hurdled with apprehensions, but those willing to risk it, often emerge victorious.” Legal technology:

Since its inception in 2001, ‘business agility’ snugly fit into a list of cool catchphrases deployed by management teams to
