3 C
overcast clouds
humidity: 75%
wind: 3 m/s ENE
H5 • L1
10 C
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10 C

What do you do now and what do you enjoy about it? I recently took a bold step forward in my professional journey by becoming an independent Legal Tech specialist. I take charge of

In our March 2022 issue, Marc May (MM) interviewed Shilpa Bhandarkar (SB), CEO of data-centric CLM solution CreateiQ, designed and developed by global law firm Linklaters. MM: Could you tell me a little bit

Over the next 12 months Jeremy Small, CEO of Jameson Legal, will be carrying out interviews with professionals from around the world discussing law and technology. In his first interview, Jeremy talks with

All businesses are being forced to engage with new technology and use data to optimise their operations. Law firms are no exception. But how should law firms approach software development? And how can

In July’s issue Polina Medvedieva interviewed the founder of Avokaado, Mariana Hagström. The interview covered Mariana's journey from Managing Partner to Legaltech Founder, differences between the two roles, challenges starting a legaltech startup

Mary Bonsor is CEO and co-founder of F-LEX, a legaltech startup using automation to create a seamless recruitment experience for applicants, law firms and legal departments. In Part 1 of our F-LEX series,

In Part 2 of our 3-part series about the LegalTech startup, Juro, CEO Richard Mabey explains the challenges of scaling up a startup, and the framework he uses to tackle them. Juro is entering

The Lawyer’s recent analysis of the Solicitors Regulations Authority’s report on diversity in law firms shows a significant ethnic diversity gap, particularly at partnership level. The industry average gender pay gap stands at
