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HomeAbout Us

Who we are

The Legal Technologist is a leading UK legal tech media company. We deliver quality content on legal tech and legal operations topics – reflecting how technology is being used in the legal sector, as well as the great people that implement it. With over 32,000 followers across social media channels we are one of the most followed legal tech media companies.

What we stand for

We are focussed on making legal tech – and the careers within it – accessible to all. We want to showcase the great things that are happening in the legal tech and operations space through easy to digest content. Our aim is to make our content as personal and reader-friendly as possible – allowing our readership to connect with legal tech and aspire to a career in legal operations.

Our Content

We publish interviews with leading or emerging legal tech/ops personalities and thought leaders, reflecting what is currently happening in the legal tech market. On top of that we reflect the latest legal tech news, articles on how legal tech is being used, as well as interesting podcast episodes.

Our Brands and Partners

We have a career-specific area devoted to those that are legal ops professionals (or aspire to be) called Legal Ops Career – which can be found here.

We also regularly support the Legal Tech in the South West event based in Bristol, UK every year.

Our Team

This Legal Technologist was founded by Marc May in 2018. He is a non-practising Solicitor that has spent a number of years in the legal tech – from rolling out document automation at an international law firm to being a CLM practice director at a consultancy. He now focuses on supporting legal tech companies with their marketing strategy, as well as bringing more visibility to the legal ops career.

He is supported by Relationships Director Marco Mendola, and Assistant Editor Ariana Vojvodic.