8 C
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humidity: 89%
wind: 3 m/s WNW
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HomeAfrica & Middle East

Egypt In fact, the ICT industry is known to be the fastest-growing sector in Egypt. The sector hit new heights, recording a growth rate of about 21.4%, outpacing all the state’s economic sectors during

The Hague Institute for Innovation of Law’s (HiiL) highly anticipated event this year for JusticeTech, “Tech the Justice Gap”, on November 29th in Tunis, sheds light on how technology can transform and improve Access

In an era defined by dynamic technological innovation and a drive for legal empowerment, the Middle East's legaltech landscape is experiencing a profound shift towards a harmonious integration of law and technology. This

There is a legal language that is more universal than text, that can communicate across language and cultural barriers: it is the language of visual images. Professor Michael D Murray Olga V. Mack, Vice President,

As a result of Covid-19, it has become clear that there needs to be a more efficient way for lawyers to work around the globe. This calls for an innovative approach to work

The modern age is characterised by many upheavals and far-reaching changes in short periods of time. Like many other professions these days, the concern regarding the future of the profession does not skip

The Change in the In-house Counseling Position and Role In the last ten years the in-house legal profession has grown rapidly and consistently. Now  approximately 20-25% of lawyers work in-house, and in the UK,

by Alice Namuli Blazevic Technology is at the forefront of our growth as a continent. Africa has witnessed phenomenal growth in the ICT sector in the past decades; internet use statistics indicate that Africa’s
