10 C
humidity: 89%
wind: 5 m/s S
H11 • L9
12 C
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9 C

This short interview spotlights a rising star in legal ops who has a peculiar career story to share.Giulia currently works as the Head of Customer Success at BRYTER, where she leads a dynamic

For those that haven't seen yet we have a careers sub-site called Legal Ops Career (here) which aims to become an indispensable career development resource for current or aspiring legal ops professionals. More

It’s with great pleasure that I’m able to launch the Legal Ops Career sub-site focused on the legal operations career. For the last six years I’ve ran the Legal Technologist magazine and have enjoyed seeing

This article takes a look at some key attributes of the legal ops person. This is based on my own experience either at the coal face, managing a team of people implementing legal

What do you do now and what do you enjoy about it? I recently took a bold step forward in my professional journey by becoming an independent Legal Tech specialist. I take charge of

*Record scratch* *Freeze frame* Yep, that’s me. You’re probably wondering how I got into this situation… That was me last year sat on the stage of a panel discussion entitled “Shape and Structure of Law Firms

Happy belated International Women’s Day to all Legal Technologist readers! The accidental technologists (all being women) were keen to celebrate IWD and use this article to honour women in technology, carrying on the brilliant

It’s almost five years to the day that I founded the Legal Technologist. The first publication was a bit of a newsletter – which contained mainly my articles on what I thought about document
