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light rain
humidity: 77%
wind: 12 m/s NW
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HomePosts Tagged "Innovation"

In an era defined by dynamic technological innovation and a drive for legal empowerment, the Middle East's legaltech landscape is experiencing a profound shift towards a harmonious integration of

For the last five years I’ve been responsible for delivering our innovation week, B-Innovative, at Burges Salmon (independent UK law firm).  A firmwide event, it shines a spotlight on

Mills & Reeve are App’y to help Something that comes up time and time again when we ask our people why they enjoy working at Mills & Reeve, is the

ESG is so much more than just printing and paper usage, however, as the average UK lawyer prints approximately 10,000 pages per year, it’s a good place to start. At

Emma Jackson is a Client Innovation Manager at law firm Mills & Reeve LLP. Emma has worked tirelessly over her 20 year career to champion women in technology and

I am the Research and Development Manager at DWF Ventures, the R&D arm of DWF. I work with the wider DWF business and clients to test and develop

By Steven O'Donnell A story like the one I’m about to mention would have once been a jarring exception in the annals of corporate client-outside counsel relationships. But nowadays? It’s