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HomePosts Tagged "Lawyer"

Whilst flicking through your latest edition of The Legal Technologist, I am sure you were not expecting to stumble on a Legal Tech’s tale of nausea and a youth

What you currently do and what you enjoy about it I lead MinterEllison's Legal Optimisation Consulting practice, which assists in house legal teams improve operational efficiency, develop high performing teams

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Juro is an exciting LegalTech startup with an ambitious goal: to ‘make legal more human’.  This rapidly growing, innovative enterprise is transforming the way lawyers work and reaping the

Lawyers in a World of Smarter Machines A recent paper (Toward a Phenomenology of Machine-Assisted Legal Work) lays out observations and questions about the emerging socio-technical landscape in which law

The increasing integration of technology into working life has created challenges as well as opportunities.  Some professionals may fear technology will replace them, while others are struggling to effect

Legaltech adoption has been on the lips of every city law firm. But is this really being put into practice? By 2022 – that is three years from now –

Be under no illusion lawyers will not be replaced by robots. There has been an extraordinary amount of hype about legal technology over recent months, but the reality is

One of the key competencies for lawyers is drafting. Lawyers spend a large proportion of their time drafting documents, be it letters, agreements or court forms. Broadly speaking, legal