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HomePosts Tagged "legal technologist"

For those that are interested in knowing what the Legal Technologist themes will be for 2024 then look no further. They will be: - Jan/Feb 2024: Legal Ops Careers (done)- Mar/Apr 2024:

The careers special issue can be found here and online articles can be found here.

The September/October 2023 issue can be found here.

The May/June 2023 issue can be found by clicking here.

“Wait, legal technologist is a real profession?”  The confusion was real one Wednesday evening when my partner realised that my work at DLA Piper, in fact, was not an imaginary

Growing up within the PlayStation™ generation, technology very quickly became a staple in my life. Getting my hands on the latest tech and figuring out what it can do

“Embarking on a road less travelled is hurdled with apprehensions, but those willing to risk it, often emerge victorious.” Legal technology: an area which is still in its early stages

“So what do you do?” It’s always a question we’re asked by others. Dates, parties, barbecues, activist meetings, golf outings. Anytime we meet someone new, the conversation often starts with